Halina Kliem

Got an urge got a surge
And its out of control
Got an urge I wanna purge
cause Im losing control
Uncontrollable urge
I wanna tell you all about it
Uncontrollable urge
Makes me scream and shout it
Its got style its got class
So strong I cant let it pass
I gotta tell you all about it
I gotta scream and shout it
And I say yeah

Lyrics from Devo, Uncontrollable Urge, 1978


totale partizipation RADIKALE ENTSPANNUNG,
Arttransponder e.v., Berlin  (group)
Bevis på det umulige, Leif Magne Tangens, Norway (solo)
Evas Arche Und Der Feminist Presents:
Starship Magazine's Continuous Booklaunching,
Upstairs at Gavin Brown's Enterprise, New York (group)
Niveaualarm Innsbruck, Kunstraum Innsbruck (group)
2 Years Kunst-Blog.com, Pampero Apartment, Berlin (group)
Video as Urban Condition, Lentos Museum of Modern Art,
Linz (group)
Seit man begonnen hat... in der Praxis, Berlin (group)
Believers & Illusionists, R.T. Hansen, Berlin (group)
Videonale 11, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn (group)
Flyingspot, Galerie Pankow, Berlin (screening)
Der nächste Zustand, Zustand, Berlin (group)
Traveller - Auf Reisen wohnen, Galerie Sammler,
Leipzig (screening)
Ausser Haus, Fabrikhalle Wedding, Berlin (group)
Studio, Rue Vieille-du-Temple, Paris (solo)
Ballhaus Ost, Berlin (group)
Schwarzwaldinstitut, Schwarzwald (goup)
Femme Fractal, West Germany, Berlin (group)
Zuviel TV, Berlin (solo)
Professor Winkler Stipendium, Atelier über dem Münzclub,
Berlin (group)
Set, Nomadenoase, Hamburg (group)
6. Werkleitz Biennale, Halle (group)
Leerstelle, Berlin (screening)
A chance to cut is a chance to cure,
Ausstellungsraum Taubenstrasse, Hamburg (solo)
Raum 3/Bootlab, Berlin (screening)
Museale, Kulturforum, Berlin (screening)


29. Moscow Film Festival, 8. Media Forum, Era Foundation,
Videonale 11, Festival für zeitgenössische Videokunst
2. Athens Videofestival
700, Experimental Film Festival of Iceland, Egilsstadir, Iceland
Rip it! Reappropriate Popular Culture, 103, Berlin
FIAV 05, Centre d'Art Santa Monica, Barcelona

Starship Magazin 10,
herausgegeben / published by Hans-Christian Dany, Martin Ebner
und Ariane Müller, Berlin 2007
Videonale 11, Festival für zeitgenössische Videokunst,
Katalog, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König,
herausgegeben von Georg Elben, Köln 2007
Starship Magazin 8, –œThe year we have been nowhere–,
herausgegeben / published by Hans-Christian Dany, Martin Ebner
und Ariane Müller, Distribution in co-operation
mit / with Revolver Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2005
Neue Review, issue 8, herausgegeben / published by Dave Allen
und Raimar Stange, Berlin 2004
Andreas Schleifer, Privat collection

1976  born in Berlin, lives and works in Berlin
1997-2000   Hochschule für Bildende Kunst, Hamburg
2004        Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
2000-2005   Universität der Künste, Berlin
2006-2007   MFA Visual Culture Studies Katharina Sieverding

art context dialog mediation
Brunnenstr. 151 | 10115 Berlin
Fon +49(0)30-30642400

Do 12-17 ׀ Fr/Sa 14-19
info@arttransponder.net | www.arttransponder.net