Critical Theory

bkb.eyes2k (Research and teachings of the art theoretician Dr. Birte Kleine-Benne)

(European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies)

Krytyka Polityczna
(Journal, Editorial, Venues for a leftist discourse in Poland)

Self-organised Education

brussels.thepublicschool (School without curriculum, initiated by the curators collective "Komplott". The model has been applied also in other cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Philadelphia)

interflugs (Autonomous students run organisation at the University of Art Berlin: artist talks, workshops, equipment lending, project grants. Main focus: Interdisciplinary projects)

freieklasse (Self-organised project class at the University of Art Berlin)

Free / Slow University of Warsaw (Nomadic University of Warsaw)

Radical Education Collective (Politics, Art and Education in Movement - Platform)

Universidad Nomada (Nomadic University based in Spain, an anti-capitalist, anti-racist, feminst and decolonial laboratory for knowledge production and political intervention)

workerpunkartschool (Temporary project in Berlin, Education free and for all, initiated by the filmmaker and theoretician Dr. Hito Steyerl, inspired by the Workers Punk University in Ljubljana)




Struggles for Education

Edu-Factory (Conflicts and transformations of the University)

Emancipating Education for All
(International students movement against the increasing privatization of education)


Ressource:Kunst ist ein Projekt, dessen Ziel es ist, Kunst als Ressource für Prozesse der Bildung und des Lernens im sozialen Umfeld zu erforschen und nutzbar zu machen. Dies geschieht durch die Initiierung, Durchführung und begleitende Erforschung von partizipatorischen Kunstprojekten und Projekten der Kunstvermittlung. Link zur Homepage

art context dialog mediation
Brunnenstr. 151 | 10115 Berlin
Fon +49(0)30-30642400

Do 12-17 ׀ Fr/Sa 14-19 |